Temperature inaccuracies could cost you millions
Temperature Correction Index (TCI)
True product temperature insights for nearly every U.S. terminal
  • Minimize financial exposure
  • Better spot trends
  • Take advantage of market opportunities
  • Effectively price product
Why temperature matters
With the TCI factor, you can see the difference in volume, which allows you to make strategic pricing decisions that give you a market advantage.
Visibility into the market
Target Temperature
Unmatched temperature accuracy
Actual product temperatures — not estimates
Around-the-clock data
Around-the-clock data
Values from four time periods and a 24-hour average
Unmatched coverage
Unmatched coverage
Available for more than 800 terminal locations and three years of historical data
Precise, up-to-date temperature data is at your fingertips
Download a sample report and see for yourself the difference temperature data makes.
Download report

Not ready to connect just yet? No problem.
Learn more about how temperature correction data can give you insights that allows you to take advantage of opportunities in the market you never have before.
DTN TCI White paper
DTN TCI Infographic
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